Where dreams come true...
My friends and I get together every Monday and do a craft together.  We each take turns hosting and choosing the craft and buying the supplies.  Last night we were making reusable bags.  So, as always, I searched Pinterest to find some cool ideas.  That's when I came across this reversible bag.  The instructions looked promising.  I am the most experienced sewer out of the group, so I took charge.  I drew a pattern onto some scrap newspaper, so our bags would all be the same.  I started cutting, sewing, cutting, wine break, sewing.  A few hours later and we each had our own handmade reusable bags.  
I was very impressed with our final product.
This was my bag!  I was very impressed with the way it turned out. Thanks again, verypurpleperson.com
Below are the bags that my friends made.  Mine is the one at the bottom.
Bags reversed.
Go ahead.  Take a closer look.
Ever since I can remember I have loved to paint my nails.  And because I'm crafty, I always wanted to try something new.  After I graduated and after a year of pointless college I figured I would do something I loved... nails!!!  So I signed up to get my nail tech certificate.  I also got my pedicure tech certificate.  This was my calling... or so I thought.  About 2 manicures and 1 pedicure later I realized I had it all wrong.  I liked doing MY nails... not other people's.  The thing I loved became something I dreaded, so I had to stop.  I learned lots of skills and now I can buy all of my nail supplies at supply stores. 

A few years ago I discovered Shellac.  Oh my god, I couldn't believe my eyes.  A nail polish that wears like gel?  AND it can be removed by soaking in acetone... AND it doesn't ruin your nails.  So naturally... I had to have it all.  I am an addict.  I can't go in the beauty supply store without buying a new color.

Then, last summer a very good friend of mine started doing nails.  And her little business took off.  She built a little spa in her house and has been booked like crazy.  She definitely has skills.  Not to mention lots of patience.  She won't let you leave unless she is completely satisfied with how your nails look.  So I've been fortunate to have the coolest nails ever!! 

Last month someone told me about Jamberry.  WHAT?  A nail sticker you warm up and it bonds to your nails?  What will they come up with next?  So naturally I had to buy some.  I bought the wackiest, most intricate design I could find.  Evening Aztec

So, I took them to my girlfriend and asked her to work her magic.  And of course, she did.
Don't they look cool?  But after a couple weeks... the Jamberry nails started lifting, so I picked them off and added some Gelish.  Something to hold me over until my next nail appointment.  Cute Hey?
Why not make an apron?  I'm always baking.  Which means I'm always rubbing my flour covered hands all over myself.  Instead of having to change my clothes... I'll make an apron.  Pretty logical.

Where is the first place I go?  Well where would anyone go looking for amazing ideas?  I think I heard someone in the back say it... Pinterest!  Yes.  And with a little Pinterest, the simple design in my head of a rectangle piece of fabric turned into a cute functional apron. 

So this is where my inspiration came from... right here. 
I really liked the design.  Simple... but put together very nicely.  I copied the top almost entirely, except I changed the measurements to fit me properly.  Then at the bottom, instead of cutting a rectangle, I cut a nice rounded bottom on it.  I thought that looked more girly.  I found some fabric in Walmart that really enspired the colors to use. 

It took me about 4 solid hours.  But I took my time and did a good job.
So this is it.  My very first blog.  I told myself I would never have a blog.  And then Pinterest came along to which I'm an addict.  The first step is acknowledging that you have a problem.  So I guess I'm on the road to recovery, right?

Pinterest has led me to blog after blog.  Tutorial after tutorial.  My favorite part... if you can think it up, chances are that someone has a blog with step by step instructions.  I have tried it all... from sewing to crocheting, from painting to wood etching, from gardening to baking.  If it can be created... I will create it.  And I do.  I try to remember to take pictures after each project, but I tend to give a lot of it away before I have a chance to capture it's beauty.  Which leads us to my new blog.  What better way to document all my crafts and creations than my very own blog?  We'll see how it goes, or how up to date it will be.  And if you're reading this in 2034 and this is the only entry... I am truly sorry.  My goal is to create a page where I can post pictures of the projects that I have completed and hopefully links to the pages that inspired me.

Right now I'm on a crocheting kick.  My husband suggested that I try to make something a bit more useful... such as a blanket.  Great idea... although... I prefer quick crafts.  I guess you could blame that on my C.O.C.D. (Crafters Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  Which basically means as soon as I see a cool idea I must have it NOW.  Which means I will need all the supplies for it... NOW.  So if I can't make it in less than 8 hours... chances are I will lose interest and it won't get finished. 

If you haven't noticed, I like to ramble.  And it's okay, because this site was created for ME.  If you're here as a visitor, that's awesome.  But don't be judgemental. 

So what will I post first?


    I am a very crafty person.  I will craft until I die.  I wanted a place to document my creations.  My name is not important. 


    January 2014

